January 2020 Road Trip

Runnin’ down a dream

January 27, 2020

January 2020 Road Trip

Cait and I recently took a two week road trip across the mountain west. We spent a lot of time resort riding, splitboarding, hanging with good friends, and eating great food. It was great to get back into the mountains and get the riding legs back under me after a solid fall of primarily paddling around the ocean. Interspersed throughout the trip Cait interviewed at various places including Santa Cruz, Denver, Silverthorne, and Durango. Full spectrum family physicians in rural locations are in high demand!

Below are a few stats and photos from our trip.

Trip Statistics

  • Miles driven: 3640
  • States passed through: 5 (CA, NV, UT, CO, AZ)
  • Interviews attended (Cait): 4
  • Days riding at Squaw Valley: 1
  • Days riding at Snowbird: 1
  • Days riding at Winter Park: 1
  • Days riding at Wolf Creek: 2
  • Days riding at Copper: 1
  • Days riding at Steamboat: 2
  • Days touring: 3

A few photos

Changing over on the top of Bald Mountain

As good as touring gets in January: low angle buffed powder

The gals headed up

January Glory